BADGER (Meles meles L.)
Badger Skull
One of my work colleagues was a zoologist, I learned a lot from him. He had the lab. next door to mine so I always knew when he had new specimens to prep. for museum display, often 'road kill' and sometimes a bit smelly to say the least. Mostly they were stuffed but if the skin was too far gone then an articulated skeleton was prepared.

This poor fellow was cetainly dead when I found him and some other wildlife had been snacking on the corpse so I just kept the head.

There are several methods used to prepare this kind of specimen, I simply simmered in water with detergent till the soft parts came away. Cleaned, bleached & dried. A bit of a fiddle finding which tooth went into which socket!

While this may look like something from 'Alien' it is in fact a casualty from the aquarium maintained by my colleague mentioned above. This is an Axolotl who escaped from his tank and was found some months later well and truly passed it's sell by date.